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According to Alliance against Antigypsyism, the term antigypsyism refers to:

‘A historically constructed, persistent, complex of customary racism against social groups identified under the stigma “gypsy” or other related terms, and incorporates:

1. A homogenizing and essentializing perception and description of these groups;
2. The attribution of specific characteristics to them;
3. Discriminating social structures and violent practices that emerge against that background, which have a degrading and ostracizing effect and which reproduce structural disadvantages.’

While hate speech against Roma is also present in the physical world, anti-gypsyism is often found online today. ''The most common narratives can be categorized within three underlying themes: criminalization, welfare chauvinism and de-humanization, Roma generally being portrayed as outsiders, inferior citizens, and an imposed ‘threat and burden’ for majority society.''

Minority Rights Group Europe 2020

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